Welcome to.. your perfect score sheet

I finished the thing I was talking about in the last post, which is a Javascript version of the scoresheet for the game “Welcome to.. Your Perfect Home”.

The box says that you can download an app instead of using paper. I like that the original game is old school, but it only includes 100 scoresheets, which I think will run out quickly. So, I checked it out, but the app is android only. I do not have access to an android device, neither did anyone else who was playing the game with me. So someone suggested that they should’ve made a web app instead of the android app. That sounded like a fun challenge, so I went ahead and made it.

To make things interesting, I decided to try to write this in plain Javascript, instead of relying on jQuery. As I said in the previous post, this is definitely something I should’ve tried sooner, I really enjoyed it. Plain JS has really come a long way.

Try it out!