Auto Accessible Color Picker

Auto Accessible Color Picker

Live Demo of Auto Accessible Color Picker

I made this because I felt like all the other accessible color pickers weren’t very good. I like hue-based color pickers (similar to what you use in photohop). I thought it would be cool to have the app choose the color automatically. This is all possible because of the awesome Tinycolor library.

Ithaca Events Calendar

Ithaca Events Calendar

Another scratching my own itch kind of thing. Although this is still very much a work in progress, the main idea is to collect all the events from the various websites that publish these events and try to show only the highest quality events.

Live demo of Ithaca Events Calendar



This is a Gas Mileage tracking app. I was doing this manually, and I realized I could pretty easily build this as a webapp to save myself from having to do the math. I built this with Django to familiarize myself with it.

Live demo of Gascan

Gascan JS

Gascan JS

This is a JS gas mileage tracking app. I made it with VueJS. It exists because the Django version of Gascan was hosted on Heroku, which sleeps your free apps, and I wanted to have something that loaded immediately. This one is hosted on Netlify.

Live demo of Gascan JS

Welcome to.. Your Perfect Score Sheet

Welcome to.. Your Perfect Score Sheet

A javascript verison of the scoresheet for the paper-based game “Welcome To.. Your Perfect Home” by Blue Cocker games. Handy if you run out of sheets. It tries to save your score, even if you reload the page, by using browser localStorage.

Live demo of the scoresheet

Pokemon Battler

Pokemon Battler

A simple game. Pits two monsters against one another, and lets you wager on which one you think will win. If you can keep a streak going, you stand to make a lot of fake money.

Live demo of the Battler



A place to store bookmarks. Remember Delicious? Magnolia? Like that, but I wrote it.

Live demo of Bookmarks-a-lot



A single page app that shows you the weather. Data from Darksky.

Live demo of kpmweather



I created an Animal Crossing New Horizons style caption maker.

Live demo of Beastforest

Knacker Hues

Knacker Hues

An alternative front-end to Hacker News.

Live demo of Knacker Hues

Animal Clobbering

Animal Clobbering

A simple JRPG-esque “fighting game” using Animal Crossing characters.

Live version of Animal Clobbering